5800 Williams Drive

Georgetown TX 78633

WASP Control

wasp nest

Paper wasp, Mud daubers, Cicada Killers are just a few that you will find around your home.

Paper Wasp can resemble yellow jackets, or be red with black wings. They are called paper wasp due to the construction of there nests. These nest are typically found up and around eaves, under railings, in plants, and bushes, trees, and other areas that will shelter the nest from the enviorment. They feed on insects but can also feed on nectar and pollen and our sometimes used in the agriculture community to help pollinate and protect flowers.

Mud Daubers or Dirt Daubers – have a very recognizable shape, with a long thin body segment that is located between the abdomen and thorax. They are either black or metallic blue in color.
They build there nest with mud and can nest in almost any location, they are non aggressive and usually do not defend there nest. Chances of a sting are very low. They feed on spiders, nectar and honeydew. The paralyzed insects that mud daubers catch are than brought back to there nest and left for there larvae to feed on.

Cicada Killers are black with yellow markings and they can grow to 2 inches in length. They dig tunnels under ground which can cause damage to flower beds and lawns. Normally these insects like to nest in full sunlight near trees or bushes.
Although cicada killers are large and have a stinger, the chances of being stung are very low due to them being non-aggressive. And if stung there sting is referred to as being very mild and less painful than that of other wasp.
Cicada killers get there name from there eating habits, the adults with sting (paralyze) cicadas and returns them to there nest. These nest are very intricate and can be up to a foot under ground. The female will than lay her egg on the insect, once the egg hatches It will begin to feed on the insect for up to 2 weeks, which than will make a cocoon and prepares for hibernation.

Common Georgetown Insects:







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